Little Priest Tribal College

Student Resources

What Happens When a Student Contacts and Visits Morningstar Counseling

First Contact

Generally, the first contact will be with the Morningstar Intake Coordinator, who can be reached at 402-327-9711 or The student will receive a packet of paperwork to be filled out in order to schedule an appointment. The paperwork includes the demographic information sheet, and the consent for treatment form. A student can receive this paperwork through email, or through a link to the Morningstar secured portal. Once the student completes and returns the paperwork they are then scheduled for an appointment with a counselor.

First Visit

At the student’s first therapy appointment, the counselor will assess the student’s concerns and needs. Communication with Morningstar is confidential. A student’s situation, or even the fact that counseling is being received, may not be shared without the student’s written permission. The main exceptions to this are imminent risk to suicide, homicide, or suspected child/elder abuse. If the counselor and student agree that individual counseling is appropriate, the student may choose to see a counselor on a regular basis, for approximately 45 to 50 minutes each session. Other options include couple or group counseling, support and therapy groups, workshops, or referral to another campus or community resource.

It is possible that the student may leave the initial appointment feeling able to handle the problem on their own. Morningstar Counseling has no authority to require a student to accept any suggestions that are made unless professional judgment indicates that psychiatric hospitalization is mandatory due to imminent harm.

Counseling services are no charge to students, faculty, and staff.